High on the flat summit ridge of Blencathra I was walking with Mist and was disappointed, and actually saddened, to see a young couple approaching the summit with their springer attached to a short lead.
Great that the dog was out, very sad to see him or her straining away for the freedom that is so natural in the instincts of most dogs. There were not even any sheep around which I guess would offer some type of explanation.
This was not a one off, more and more dogs are being walked on leads in the great outdoors when, in my opinion they should be racing around much more. I suspect there are two explanations, neither which gives much credit to the owner or society at large.
Hi I had to respond to this article…. My bc who is the image of Mist but called Shanti only goes on a lead when I feel it is for her safety. We walk together all over the NY moors, through sheep, cattle and past all manner of dogs. Your article has been in my mind many times when I come across ‘Keep Your Dog On a Lead’ and CCTV signs – she stays off the lead. In June I finished a 15 day hike C2C and she only went on the lead when we entered lodgings. I trust her implicitly and I believe she and I have a right to enjoy our lengthy walks without hindrance of any kind! Regards Vivien
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