Baugh Fell is a rarely visited mountain lying to the east of Sedbergh. It is a large area of featureless moorland rising to an interesting summit area. The views back west to the Howgills are superb.
I have attempted to climb Baugh Fell from three different directions. Initially I failed to gain the summit on the direct approach from Sedbergh and found the quick up and down from Dent a little monotonous. Therefore I had a closer look at the map and started on a long day from Rowleth Bridge. It is the best route up this undoubted ‘beast’ of a mountain. There are no rights of way beyond the lower slopes. As a result it is only visited by the lonely fanatic and sadistic instructors on Duke of Edinburgh training. In fact I know the army find it a good training ground.
Initially the route from Rawthey Bridge has some interest both through the isolated farms and along the attractive origins of the River Rawthey. At the 400 metre contour line the valley splits, take the right hand fork up the steep V shaped valley. Follow the sides of the valley until there is no option to tackle the steep mountain side. The summit area is vast but the views particularly over the Howgills and generally to the west are outstanding. Once I passed the lonely (but well constructed) shelter on the edge of the plateau I thoroughly enjoyed striding over the plateau and the long but easy descent back to the car. I have certainly revised my previous view of Baugh Fell.
Baugh Fell is one of the Dales 30 Mountains
Make sure you tick the highest point which lies one kilometre east of the trig point. My brother did not so must return!
I cannot think of a walk on this website that is more of a test of navigation skills. In particularly the use of a compass. The summit area is vast without obvious features (one useful fence) and the approaches from the north and west equally difficult. Do not venture up without the ability to take and more important follow a bearing.
Having read other reports of this hill I was not sure how much I was going to enjoy it but two thirds of the way through the Dales 30 i knew I would have to tackle it one day. I took your alternative route ( in Dales 30 book) from Garsdale head on a sunny May day after a spell of dry weather and had a great day. I can see why this would not be great after a period of rain or when visibility is poor but if you pick your time this is an enjoyable and rewarding climb.The initial scenery through the valley up to Clough Force is pleasant and as long as you go round the river bend, the wall up to the summit is easy to pick up and you have the reassuring crossing of the Rails road to confirm you are on the right wall. It is a steady pull all the way to the top and as per your notes staying to the north side of the wall is preferable.When you get to the peat haggs nearer the summit some of the best walking is in the gap between the wire grouse fence and the slowly collapsing stone wall. The tarns and standing stones near the top are interesting to explore and the views across to the 3 peaks and back towards Wild Boar fell are as good as any in the Dales. Like you ,I pondered on where the actual high point was and maybe the higher stone walls at this point give you a slightly false perspective. Certainly a 15 minute sit at the rocky outcrop just over the stone wall between where two stone walls come in from the side ( about 200m apart) led me to speculate whether the top of the rocky outcrop was not the high point ?
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