Loadpot Hill is on the long north ridge of High Street which eventually peters out near Pooley Bridge. It is the excellent views over Ullswater which I will remember.
A quiet day in the midst of a wet winter found me and Mist determined to find some snow walking which we could enjoy. Loadpot Hill from Howtown via little known Fusedale was the choice. I had never climbed to the High Street ridge before from Howtown so I did enjoy the approach. Fusedale is quiet, the paths barely exits but it is a straightforward climb. The path emerges on the ridge near the summit of Wether Hill, a simple task to visit and tick off. In addition I was happy to find the ridge had a good covering of snow.
This section of the High Street Ridge is in fact less of a ridge and more of a plateau, there are no crags or steep slopes to worry about. I particularly enjoyed walking between Loadpot Hill and Wether Hill partly due to the snow but also the very impressive view over the eastern end of Ullswater. Fusedale providing a gradual easy climb on to the ridge and the views were superb, walking in winter does have a number of benefits.
I actually left the ridge after Arthurs Pike. Here there is a steep sheep track on the west side of Swarthbeck Gill. Howevert it is better just to carry on along the main ridge for a further mile and double back on the bridleway at Barton Park. Best of all is to carry on to Pooley Bridge if you can organize your car to be moved.
There are two key things when navigating in the snow. The first is there are rarely any sign of the paths which can be followed. The second is it takes longer to complete a walk.
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