The Navigation Courses that we run will give you the skills and confidence to get out and explore the dales, moors and mountains with friends and family. Jonathan is a fully qualified and experienced instructor and the courses all operate in the wonderful landscape of either the Yorkshire Dales or Northumberland.Navigation Skills for a Beginner or those who want their present skills refreshing. Focussed on walks on paths and including some compass skills.Advanced Navigation Course for more experienced walkers who want to leave paths and explore the mountains and moors of Britain.Navigation Training Weekend. This combines both days in a course aiming to take someone with limited experience and give them the confidence to explore the wider countryside.Private Day. Contact me direct if you wish to book a bespoke day of training for you or your group specific to your needs.Newton Moor, near Long PrestonNavigation Skills (Beginner) £70ppA 1-day course for beginners who want to be able to use a map confidently in the outdoors, plan your own walks and follow paths and other linear features. Understand how to use map symbols and scales, on a variety of maps. Plan a suitable walk that takes you away from the crowds. Orientate the map with and without a compass enabling you to ‘read’ the land around you. Choose simple navigation strategies and routes. Estimate how long a walk will take using the map. Understanding contours and how to use them to assess the steepness and shape of the land. Use relocation techniques using the land around you Understand access rights and responsibilities inc the Countryside Code.2025 Course Dates (All Weekends) Book your place now Beginners Navigation CourseRated 5.00 out of 5 £70.00 More info Contact us directly if you are a private party wanting a tailor-made day.Using handrailsAdvanced Course £70pp A 1 Day course for ‘Intermediate’ level navigators wanting to develop their skills in open countryside and mountains. A particular emphasis on contours and compass work. Use a compass to take a bearing both in clear and cloudy conditions (ie: from the land or from a map) Follow a bearing accurately on rough/featureless ground. Employ relocation strategies when lost on open ground. Understand and apply the following components of a navigational strategy ‘aiming off’, ‘attack points’, ‘collecting features’. Learn how to use contour features effectively; both large and small, on the map and on the ground. Judge distance accurately on the map and on the ground. Understand ‘mountain awareness’ and how it helps confidence on any given walk. 2025 Course Dates: BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW Hill Skills CourseRated 5.00 out of 5 £70.00 More info Contact us directly for a different date if you are a Private Party wanting a tailor-made day suitable for your skills. Call 07824 304060 or email Training Weekends in the DalesOur 2 Navigation Training Weekends are specifically for those who want the extra time and space to develop their skills. Combining the raw elements of both training days should offer more confidence for anyone to explore the outdoors.Course location: Settle area, Yorkshire Dales. £140pp For further details of the Navigation Training Weekends follow this link.2025 Course Dates: BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW Navigation Training Weekend £135.00 More info Further InformationEach 1-day course will have a maximum of 7 and a minimum of 2 participants.Maps and Compasses are provided and tea or coffee will also be available before we head outdoors.Please bring the following items for the course. Sturdy walking boots/shoes, outdoor clothing suitable for the weather and a packed lunch.If you would like to book accommodation I can advise on our favourite places.Find out why I think using a Map and Compass is still essential in these times of technology.Contact us on 07824 304060 or if you have more questions or unsure which course is best for you.