One of the best ways of enjoying a walk is to hop on a train (or bus…or ferry) for a stop or two and walk back. The blog looks at most of the feasible transport options in the Dales, Lakes & Moors and my favourite walks as a result.
My Favourite One Way Walks in the Yorkshire Dales can be found via this link
My Favourite one Way walks in the North York Moors & Yorkshire Coast can be found via this link
My favourite One Way in the Lake District can be found via this link.
There are no useful train services in the Lake District but a very good network of bus services operating around the area. Some of the most useful are listed below.
In addition use the Ferry services that run around Derwentwater, Ullswater, Windermere and Coniston which provide some excellent lakeside walks.
For the full list of One Way walks in the Lake District follow this link
The congestion on the roads and the car fumes which result will continue to drive climate change at an ever increasing rate. At some stage cars will end up being tolled, restricted and at a future date banned from areas of the countryside. Electric buses will start to run walkers around the area and a cleaner and greener countryside it will be. We may as well start getting used to it.
Heading out on a walk using public transport is enjoyable for so many reasons. Try it.
Enjoy your walking
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